Aerospace TechWeek Americas

We have a lift off!

This project was launched in late 2019 with the aim to make decision making easier for aviation event attendees, organisers and exhibitors. We wanted to answer the most common event related questions asked by the aviation industry:

-Which events are available to attend?
-What date should I select to maximise attendance as an organiser?
-Which exhibitions are likely to give the best return on investment?
-What did others think about previous events?

Then came Covid, killing everything related to aviation. We couldn’t even give flying lessons on the weekends at our local airfield. Our extremely well timed service was put on ice. When visiting two fully booked european aviation events in October/November 2021 - we knew it was time to re-launch the project. So here it is! Very much still under development, but is something to start with. Feel free to send us all your loving and hating feedback and list your events for free.

Emelie and Lasse
Aerospace TechWeek Americas